Jackson is so excited because he remembered how to ride his bike without training wheels.
I got a new kitchen table after 10 years of marriage. Scott found it and just had to have it. It really is beautiful.
The flowers around the waterfall are starting to bloom and fill in. I'm loving the yard because it reminds me of the South where everything is green and there are plants growing everywhere.
I've had a lot of fun planting and landscaping the yard. For those of you who didn't know that one of my passions is plants and being outside. Well now you know.
This is one of my mother's favorite views. Mt. Timpanogos. Can you believe we still have snow on it in June, weird.
The flowers and perenials are starting to bloom and fill in. Ahh I love it!
Just thought I'd throw in a picture of our gutter trailer. It's one of 3 different trailers that we have. So hopefully all our neighbors aren't complaining too much with everything parked out front of our house. Plus you see the beautiful mountains in the background.
The kids have been swimming in the pool since April. It was 60 degrees. They take after me there. As long as I'm in the water and having fun who cares about the temperature.