Beginning Blogger

I'm just trying this blogging thing out, so we'll see. I'm just learning how to do pictures and email attachments. We finally after 7 years got a family picture on Easter while we were at church so I guess I'll try to post a picture and see what happens.

O.k That worked so lets keep going. I guess I'll write about each member of the family and post a picture so you can get to know everyone.
For those of you who have never met my husband Scott he is from Nashville, TN and he is truly southern. He loves all the kind of stuff I never did growing up. Such as 4 wheelers, motorcycles, and dirt bikes. He used to race dirt bikes when he was young and was really good. In the winter he pulls the kids behind the 4 wheeler in the snow. The kids love it!
As for me. Scott got me a membership at the gym for our 10th anniversary and I've been working out everyday. I feel great. I have the typical mother routine of getting up and getting the kids off to school. Working out at the gym, coaching Wesley's soc

cer team answering all of Scott's phone calls and running random errands for All X-terior which is the name of our construction company, cleaning house, visiting teaching, assisting weeblos den leader. Fitting in a hair cut or color client and if I have any time left I take a shower and watch Law & Order SUV. Have I left anything out. Typical Right! I'm Tired a lot but I'm enjoying being a mom!!!
I would post my before picture but I don't want to scare anyone. Ha! Ha! I got another Yorkie for Christmas so I'll put his picture instead. This is Chui isn't he so cute?
He got baptized on January 4, 2008. He waited so that his dad could baptize him. It was a very special day. He is a fun loving, smart boy who is very helpful and is learning how to play the guitar. He loves football, soccer, baseball, wrestling, which he is very good at anything he does. He is in the 2nd grade and loves to play with his friends.

He is in the 1st grade. He lost his two front teeth and it has been fun to see him try to eat corn on the cob. Wesley is also good at football, soccer, baseball, and wrestling, Wesley has just started taking drum lessons and is loving every minute of it he actually is learning really fast. He too loves playing with friends and he just celebrated his 7th birthday at Chuck E Cheese's.

I have never met a boy who can talk while he's talking. Jackson keeps me on my toes. He is my miracle baby. Can you believe he weighed 3 lbs. 2 oz. when he was born? He goes to preschool at Provo High School and he too follows in his big brothers footsteps. He loves to play soccer and baseball and wrestle. He just got his cast off a couple of month ago after dropping a rock on his foot outside a store we were at. Jackson is a very sweet boy who loves his daddy.
He is a very good brother to his baby brother.
Mason This is the sweetest little baby you'll ever meet. He was a big surprise to our family but we all love him so much. He has what we call the cutest little Spongebob smile. He runs around and gets into everything making a big mess for mom. His favorite is plunging the toilets. That lets you all know what it's like in a house full of boys, when the baby knows what a plunger is for. He's talking a lot and trying to keep up with the big boys and their friends. He is so cute just like the rest of the boys if I do say so myself.
We'll I guess I somewhat did it. I guess with time and practice I'll get better. I hope this blog finds everyone well. Love, The Gregory's